Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bad, bad negative thinking

A week from today, I turn 60, an age that four years ago I was unsure I would reach. Although I am grateful for each year that I have gotten to live since my cancer diagnosis, I have the ordinary feelings of sadness too. Although it is a gift to be alive, I am nonetheless getting older, not younger. And I look and feel older than most of my contemporaries. With my sparse gray hair, flat chest, wretched back issues, I am not the kind of 60-year-old who can pass for 40. I've been offered the senior discount for years now (and when it's offered, I take it out of revenge). I figure most strangers assume I'm 10 years older than I am. And though I know my physical self is just housing for the rest of me, it bothers me that my house has fallen into such disrepair. If only the bank would repossess me and fix me up! Or if only I lived in a world where an antique house was treasured rather than viewed as an eyesore likely to bring down the neighborhood.


Robin Amos Kahn said...

Whenever I go into a new decade (it started at thirty) I freaked out. I don't think it's bad, bad negative thinking, I just think it's human and that you are a beautiful woman inside and out and once you accept that number (which scares the shit out of me too) - you'll remember that. Think of all the hot sixty year-olds. (I can only think of men, why is that?)

"Happy birthday" seems so stupid once you're past fifty. Keep going seems more appropriate. Enjoy! Let's celebrate.

Mia said...

Thanks, Robin. Yes, let's do celebrate. We have much catching up to do!

Barbara said...

It's more than a week since you wrote this, so I realize I missed your birthday. Hope it was a good day. In less than a month, I'll be 61. The number 61 seems more mundane, not so looming as 60. Soon, as my husband keeps reminding me, I'll be able to collect Social Security. I'm still shocked at the wrinkles I see when I look at myself in the mirror, but it IS good to be alive and writing. . .

Mia said...

Thanks, Barbara. It WAS a good one! And I plan to write about it—soon.